Bridge For Youth


Bridge For Youth is a website that contains a free crisis hotline and homeless youth resource for teens and families. This includes a Transitions Program (free shelter for homeless teens), Emergency Services (offers free help for homeless teens), Youth and Family Counseling (free services for teens and families), Teen Health Program (walk-in, phone, and appointment based clinic), Group Connections (weekly support groups for teens)

Check it out! You will be glad you did!

Bridge for Youth is a program that is based in Minneapolis, MN. There are programs like it across the country, but I am sure that they will help you if you are in need!

Contact Information:

If you’re in crisis, please call (612) 377-8800.

Business Line (non-emergency calls): 612-230-6601
Fax: 612-377-6426

The Bridge for Youth
1111 West 22nd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55405

(All information is from


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